+1 630-638-9462
112 Church Street, New Lenox, IL 60451


Aflame with love for God, you gave your life as a martyr for Christ and neighbor,
for this you received a crown of righteousness from Him.

Welcome to St. John Orthodox Chapel

St. John of Chicago Orthodox Chapel is an annex of St. Luke Orthodox Church in Palos Hills, Illinois. It has been established as a missionary outreach to those who are seeking to discover the ancient Christian faith as it exists in the 21st century and who live along the Lincoln Way corridor from New Lenox to Frankfort and south to Manhattan, Illinois.

The Sunday service is the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom which dates from the 4th century but has prayers that predate the Gospels. Other Liturgies used during the year are the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, also from the 4th century and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.  This Liturgy is traditionally considered to be the work of the 6th-century pope, Saint Gregory of Rome.

Fr Andrew baptizes Zachariah

Our chapel community just grew by six as Joshua, Alexandra, Luke, Christina, Zachariah and Jacob were baptized this month

Service Time

Divine Liturgy 10 am – Every Sunday

Presanctified Liturgy
Most Thursdays at 10am – Call Fr. Andrew to confirm

Our address
112 Church Street, New Lenox, IL 60451

Holy Week Schedule
Holy Monday, 6:30pm – Bridegroom Matins with procession of the Holy Icon
Holy Tuesday, 6:30pm –   Bridegroom Matins with blessing with Rose water
Holy Wednesday, 6:30pm – Bridegroom Matins with Holy Unction
Holy Thursday, 9:00am – Liturgy of the Lords Supper
6:30pm – Reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels
Holy Friday, 6:30pm – Placing of the Holy Shroud
Holy Saturday, 6:30pm – St Basil Liturgy with Procession of the Shroud
Pascal Sunday, 9:00am – Receiving of the Light, Matins, Paschal Liturgy

Pascal baskets will be blessed after each liturgy on Saturday and Sunday

On Pascha there will be a luncheon of Paschal foods in the hall and an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.

Divine Liturgy

Priestmartyr John Kochurov

St John Orthodox Chapel

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    Prayers of Celebration