GARDEN CENTER – Where Dignity and Independence Grows
For over 60 years, Garden Center Services has provided a safe place for persons with developmental disabilities to learn independent living skills and develop their capacity in vocational areas. Father Andrew started visiting the Garden Center 20 years ago and Father Paul picked up the torch and started visiting the clients his first year at St. Luke’s. The clients look forward to each visit and always ask the same question, “When’s the Priest coming?” Each month Father Paul or Father Andrew reads a short story from the Children’s Bible that St. Luke provided for each client. The stories are simple enough for the clients to understand and they have questions after each story. After the story, Father conducts a short prayer service. The clients sing along and participate enthusiastically.
This month, Father John filled in for Father Andrew. The visit began with Fr. John explaining Pentecost. He said Pentecost is the observance celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. In Christianity, Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday, hence its name.